Articles by Dr. Randi
Published articles by Dr. Randi Fredricks, Ph.D.
Below are some of the articles I’ve had published over the past 30 years. I’m fortunate to have the honor of being a best-selling author, researcher, journalist, as well as a therapist. The following is a sampling of the articles I’ve had published. Whether you are a layperson or a mental health professional I hope you find these articles of interest.
I currently writes several columns on counseling psychology and maintain a number of blogs focusing on my published research and books. I’ve been told that I’m considered an internationally recognized expert on the use of complementary and alternative medicine in the treatment of mental health. This is quite an honor and I appreciate the opportunity to have helped so many people to feel people over the years.
- Video Game Addiction
- Depression and Short-Term Memory
- Food Addiction: Is It Real?
- Alcohol and the Brain
- Benzodiazepine Use Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
- Postpartum Depression, Neurotransmitters, and Nutrition
- Chelation Therapy and Mental Health
- Orthomolecular Psychiatry
- Hypoglycemia and Sleep Quality
- Food Coloring and Mental Health
- Can Gastric Disorders Contribute to Anxiety and Depression?
- How Exercise Can Reduce Anxiety
- Aromatherapy and Anxiety
- Anorexia Nervosa and Fasting
- Substance Abuse and Drug-Induced Osteoporosis
- Exercise and Dementia
- Thyroid Dysfunction and Mental Health
- Essential Fatty Acids and Mental Health
- Intermittent Fasting For Weight Loss
- Is Fasting an Effective Therapy for Weight Loss?
- Vitamin D and Depression
- When Being Overweight Becomes a Mental Health Issue
- Diets High in Pasta Can Increase Depression in Women
- Smoking During Pregnancy Linked to Psychiatric Disorders in Children
- Can Stress Diminish the Effects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
- Preventing Eating Disorders in Children and Teenagers
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder Therapy for Teenagers
- Social Anxiety Therapy for Teenagers
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Teens with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
- Helping Children To Cope With Trauma
- Evaluating and Treating Childhood Depression
- Inactive Teens Are More Likely to Develop Behavioral Problems
- How Well Do You Know Your Partner?
- Understanding What Constitutes Abuse in Relationships
- Marriage Counseling for Couples Who Are Codependent
- Learning to Date Post Divorce
- Middle-Aged Single People May Have Higher Dementia Risk
- Communication Challenges in Marriage
- Marriage Counseling for Couples With Addiction
- Why People Have Problems With Commitment In Romantic Relationships
- What To Do If You Think You Are Being Stalked
- Communicating Without Anger
- How To Agree to Disagree When You Argue
- 10 Habits of Happy Couples
- How ADHD Can Strain Relationships
- Acupuncture in the Treatment of Depression
- Difficult to Treat Childhood Anxiety
- Meditation for Anxiety and Depression
- Treating Dementia and Anxiety
- The Impact of Anxiety Disorders on Relationships
- Research on the Effectiveness of Antidepressants
- Adoptees in Psychotherapy
- The Importance of the Healing Crisis
- Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD)
- Living With CAPD
- Pollution and Depression
- Approaches to Psychotherapy
- Body-oriented Psychotherapy
- Therapists Versus Psychotherapists
- Holistic Psychotherapy and Psychosynthesis
- Characteristics of Complicated Grief
- Differences in Moderate and Severe Depression
- Treating Anxiety Disorders With Psychotherapy
- Psychotherapy for Insomnia and Sleep Problems
- Schizophrenia and Psychotherapy
- Postpartum Depression and Motherhood
- Anxiety and the Brain
- Antidepressant Alternatives That Work
- ADD and ADHD: Understanding the Differences
- Exercise for Better Mental Health