Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counseling Blog
Complicated Grief: What It Is and Why You Don’t Want It
Bereavement is a period of time spent adjusting to a profound loss. During this time, a bereaved person may experience varying levels of grief manifesting in feelings of numbness, shock, sadness, and yearning for the person or pet who has passed. For most people, it’s...
Traumatic Stress Increases Risk of Obesity
There’s so many things that can help improve your overall mental health, but probably no more important than maintaining a healthy weight. Although obesity is not a mental health problems it can trigger a host of psychiatric disorders. It’s not easy to talk about...
Becoming More Resilient
In psychology, resilience means being able to adapt to life's misfortunes and setbacks without prolonged periods of distress. Ask yourself, when something goes wrong, do you tend to bounce back or fall apart? The good news is there’s actually a roadmap for adapting to...
Mindfulness-Based Psychological Treatments
Mindfulness in different forms has been practiced since the beginning of time. It’s derived from sati, an important element of Buddhist traditions, and is based on Zen, Vipassana and Tibetan meditation techniques. It refers to the quality or state of being conscious...
Nutrient Deficiencies and Anxiety Medication
Not everyone who is treated for an anxiety disorder will take prescription medication. But those who do will often face an additional challenge when the drugs cause nutrient deficiencies. You may not have obvious symptoms that a medication is robbing you of certain...