Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counseling Blog
Whole Foods and Mental Health
The influence of diet in causing and preventing physiological and psychological disorders is well established, as is the importance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in maintaining health. Nutritionists go one step further by using diet and nutritional...
Overcoming Grief
There’s a huge debate among mental health professional as to whether grief can actually ever be overcome. Those who argue that it cannot claim that the best that we can hope for when processing grief is that it be managed. Either way, there are things that a grieving...
Types of Psychotherapy
A psychotherapist’s approach to therapy is as unique as they are. Most professional therapists are educated in a number of approaches. This psychotherapeutic orientation combines with the therapist’s personality and a style eventually develops. There are a number of...
Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions
Robert Plutchik was a psychologist who developed a psychoevolutionary theory of emotion, considered one of the most influential classification approaches for general emotional responses. Plutchik suggested that there were eight basic emotions; anger, fear, sadness,...
Genograms in Family Therapy
A genogram, sometimes called a family map, is a pictorial display of a patient’s family relationships and medical history. It goes beyond a traditional family tree by allowing the user to visualize hereditary patterns and psychological factors that punctuate...