Psychology, Psychotherapy and Counseling Blog
Psychotherapy and Group Therapy for Smoking Cessation
The United States Public Health Service published updated smoking-cessation guidelines for doctors. Their reports have consistently identified psychotherapeutic counseling and behavioral therapies as proven effective components of a smoking-cessation program. Other...
Incidence and Statistics of Eating Disorders
The relatively-new diagnoses of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder were first publicized by the American Psychiatric Association in the 1950s, these types of behaviors have been around for centuries and have even been practiced in ancient...
Body-Focused Repetitive Behavior
Many people have heard of skin picking, but not many realize that it is a disorder that falls under the category of the term body-focused repetitive behavior. Body-focused repetitive behavior (BFRB) is an umbrella term for impulse control behaviors involving...
10 Tips Couples Learn in Marriage Counseling
More and more couples are going to marriage counseling for one basic reason – it works. Of course, it does not work for all couples. While marriage counseling may seem like a miracle for one couple, it could actually may another couple’s situation even worse. Whether...
The New Counseling Psychology
Counseling psychology is a form of applied psychology that is used by psychologists and psychotherapists to help people improve their lives. In practice, counseling psychology focuses on treating individuals with a wide range of emotional, behavioral, vocational, and...